At The History Insider, we take content curation with the utmost seriousness and respect.

The Internet thrives on linking, sharing, and recommending valuable content from diverse sources across the web. Our approach to curation involves carefully selecting interesting, well-researched, and highly relevant content that we believe will resonate with our readers.

By curating content from your site, we are giving it our seal of approval. This means that we not only excerpt your content but also provide our highest recommendation. In every instance, we direct our readers to your website to view the full content.

Our curation process is designed with the intent of driving traffic to your site and showcasing your exceptional work.

We chose to curate and excerpt your content because it stood out in some significant way. If, for any reason, you prefer that we do not excerpt your content, simply contact us and request its removal.

We will promptly and without exception comply with your request and ensure that your site is added to our list of sites from which we will not curate content in the future.

The majority of feedback we receive about our curation practices comes from publishers and authors who appreciate the additional exposure and readership their content receives as a result of our efforts.

Excerpting Policy

Most online publishers recognize the value of having their content quoted, commented on, debated, discussed, linked to, and introduced to new readers. Social sharing of online content extends the reach, impact, and ultimately the effectiveness of the original publisher’s website.

When we excerpt your content, our goal is to inform our visitors and direct them to the original source of the excerpt.

Our intention is clear: we want our readers to discover and visit your content and your website.

We Want You To Be Pleased We Excerpted Your Content

Standards, practices, and legal decisions regarding “Fair Use” are still evolving online. However, our standards go beyond the merely legal. We aim for “Delighted Use.”

If you are not pleased with how we have excerpted and linked to your content, please let us know. We will take immediate action to address your concerns.

We excerpt your stories in a manner that reflects how we hope others will curate our content.

If you like a story on our site, we are genuinely pleased and gratified. Please feel free to excerpt it as generously as you wish. In return, we ask that you provide clear credit, links back to the article, and some encouragement for interested readers to visit the original article.

Take as much of our content as you believe will inform and entertain your readers. Just remember to link, credit, and encourage the reader to visit the original site.

That’s how we operate. It’s the foundation of the Internet. It’s what social sharing is about. Everyone benefits when sharing is done respectfully and with integrity.

What We Will Never Do

  • We never take your entire article.
  • We never republish without full credit, links, and sending you readers.
  • We never republish an RSS feed verbatim.
  • We never excerpt without the intention of sending you more traffic.
  • We always change the headline and add context, meaning, and analysis to your articles.

Our general guidelines for excerpts published on this site are:

  • Never more than about 30 – 40% of any article.
  • Never more than one article from any site in any one day.
  • Never more than what is needed to communicate the essence of the article.

Most Importantly…

Sharing, curation, and excerpting standards are still evolving online. Our standards of delight may differ from yours.

If you want us to be even more generous with links and credit, let us know. If you feel that too much of your story has been excerpted, let us know.

We will adjust to your standards instantly.

Please contact us via our contact form, located on our contact page.