Cleopatra And Mark Anthony: The Love Tragedy Between The Egyptian Queen And Roman Statesman

The phrase "I can't live without you" might sound cliché in today's world, but the truth is, beautiful love stories have existed in every era.

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Looking back in time, Cleopatra and Mark Antony crafted their own love story, proving the validity of the saying. Despite its beauty, their tale ends tragically.

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How Cleopatra and Mark Anthony first met

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Cleopatra VII, a daughter of Egypt, was part of the Macedonian-Greek-Ptolemaic Dynasty that began ruling after Alexander the Great's death in 323 BCE.

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Born in 69 BCE, Cleopatra became queen of Egypt and also ruled over Cyrene (in modern-day Libya) and Cyprus at different times during her reign.

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Her "own beauty, as they say, was not, in and of itself, completely incomparable, nor was it the sort that would astound those who saw her; but interaction with her was captivating, and her appearance, along with her persuasiveness in discussion and her character that accompanied every interchange, was stimulating," the philosopher Plutarch wrote.

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Mark Antony, born on January 14, 83 BCE, was a key Roman general and politician who helped shape the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.

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A close ally of Julius Caesar, Antony was crucial in several military campaigns. He was described as “broad-shouldered, bull-necked, ridiculously handsome, with a thick head of curls and aquiline features.”

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After Caesar's assassination, Antony joined forces with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Caesar's nephew, Octavian, in 43 BC to form a shaky Triumvirate to rule the vast Roman Republic. Antony took charge of the unruly Eastern territories of the Empire.

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In 41 BC, while staying in the grand city of Tarsus (modern-day Turkey), Antony sent for Cleopatra. He had first met her in Rome when she was the young mistress of his mentor, Caesar, with whom she had a son named Caesarion. This time, Antony encountered a much more sophisticated and powerful Cleopatra.

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Caesar “had known her when she was still a girl and inexperienced in affairs,” the Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch wrote, “but she was going to visit Antony at the very time when women have the most brilliant beauty and are at the acme of intellectual power.”

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They fell in love each other

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Knowing Antony loved grand displays, Cleopatra made a dramatic entrance into Tarsus. According to Stacy Schiff's Cleopatra: A Life, she sailed into the city in a burst of color under billowing purple sails.

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“She reclined beneath a gold-spangled canopy, dressed as Venus in a painting, while beautiful young boys, like painted Cupids, stood at her sides and fanned her. Her fairest maids were likewise dressed as sea nymphs and graces, some steering at the rudder, some working at the ropes. Wondrous odors from countless incense-offerings diffused themselves along the river-banks.”

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“The moment he saw her, Antony lost his head to her like a young man,” Greek historian Appian wrote. Cleopatra wasn't done impressing Antony and the Romans.

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She hosted lavish parties, giving away all the furniture, jewels, and decorations after each event. She and Antony engaged in drinking and playful banter, with Antony trying—but failing—to outdo her splendor.

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Their attraction was genuine, but also politically strategic. Antony needed Cleopatra's wealth to fund his military campaigns in the East, while Cleopatra needed his support to expand her power and secure her son Caesarion's claim as Caesar's rightful heir.

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Antony soon followed Cleopatra to Alexandria. There, the two powerful rulers often acted like carefree college students, even forming a drinking club called the Society of the Inimitable Livers.

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“The members entertained one another daily in turn, with an extravagance of expenditure beyond measure or belief,” Plutarch explained.

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The couple loved to playfully challenge each other. One famous story tells of Cleopatra betting Antony she could spend 10 million sesterces on a single banquet. According to the Roman chronicler Pliny the Elder:

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“She ordered the second course to be served. In accordance with previous instructions, the servants placed in front of her only a single vessel containing vinegar. She took one earing off, and dropped the pearl in the vinegar, and when it wasted away, she swallowed it.”

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Antony, usually a skilled soldier, struggled with a fishing rod during a riverside outing. “Leave the fishing rod, General, to us,” Cleopatra teased him. “Your prey are cities, kingdoms and continents.”

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Antony’s military prowess began to falter

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By 40 BC, Antony headed back to Rome while Cleopatra gave birth to their twins, Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. That same year, Antony married Octavian’s sister, Octavia, but they seemingly didn’t love each other.

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In 37 BC, Antony and Cleopatra reunited in Antioch, the capital of Syria, where Antony met his twins for the first time.

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For the next two years, Antony and Cleopatra traveled together as his military and administrative duties took them across the Mediterranean.

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During this period, Antony's military success began to wane, leading to significant losses. Instead of attributing the failures to Antony's impulsive decisions, the historian Plutarch blamed Cleopatra.

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“So eager was he to spend the winter with her that he began the war before the proper time and managed everything confusedly. He was not master of his own faculties, but, as if he were under the influence of certain drugs or of magic rites, was ever looking eagerly towards her, and thinking more of his speedy return than of conquering the enemy.”

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The failure to against the Roman army

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In the fall of 34 BC, Antony returned to Alexandria in triumph and captured the Armenian royal family in chains. Reunited with Cleopatra, they held a grand event known as "The Donations of Alexandria." According to Schiff:

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“In the open court of the complex that fall day the Alexandrians discovered another silver platform, on which stood two massive golden thrones. Mark Antony occupied one. Addressing her as the “New Isis,” he invited Cleopatra to join him on the other. She appeared in the full regalia of that goddess, a pleated, lustrously striped chiton, its fringed edge reaching to her ankles. On her head she may have worn a traditional tripartite crown or one of cobras with a vulture cap. By one account Antony dressed as Dionysus, in a gold-embroidered gown and high Greek boots… Cleopatra’s children occupied four smaller thrones at the couple’s feet. In his husky voice Antony addressed the assembled multitude.”

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To provoke Octavian, Antony distributed lands to his and Cleopatra's children, making it clear their family would rule the East. By 33 BC, the Triumvirate fell apart, and the next year, Antony divorced Octavia. All pretense of friendship with Octavian ended, and soon after, Octavian declared war on Cleopatra.

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Despite Cleopatra’s wealth and their combined military strength, they were no match for the Roman army. As Octavian’s forces closed in on Alexandria, Antony and Cleopatra continued their lavish parties, now calling themselves the “Companions to the Death.”

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Advisors and much of Antony’s army deserted them. While Antony fought Octavian’s troops, Cleopatra focused on building a new temple to Isis, which she called her mausoleum. According to Schiff:

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“Into the mausoleum she heaped gems, jewelry, works of art, coffers of gold, royal robes, stores of cinnamon and frankincense, necessities to her, luxuries to the rest of the world. With those riches went as well a vast quantity of kindling. Were she to disappear, the treasure of Egypt would disappear with her. The thought was a torture to Octavian.”

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The tragedy of Cleopatra and Antony

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Cleopatra, always the calm and strategic thinker, realized that Antony was doomed –but she hoped to save their children.

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She tricked Antony into thinking she was dead, knowing he would follow suit. And he di When Antony learned of Cleopatra's supposed death, he declared:

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“O Cleopatra, I am not distressed to have lost you, for I shall straightaway join you; but I am grieved that a commander as great as I should be found to be inferior to a woman in courage.”

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After his attempted suicide, a distraught Cleopatra had Antony brought to her. Despite her grief, she remained determined. After Antony died, she tried to negotiate with Octavian, but it was hopeless.

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In the end, she took her own life with poison. Octavian's soldiers found her dead, along with two of her attendants. According to Schiff:

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“Charmion was clumsily attempting to right the diadem around Cleopatra’s forehead. Angrily one of Octavian’s men exploded: “A fine deed this, Charmion!” She had just the energy to offer a parting shot. With a tartness that would have made her mistress proud, she managed, “It is indeed most fine, and befitting the descendant of so many kings,” before collapsing in a heap, at her queen’s side.”

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With Cleopatra’s death, Egypt became part of the Roman Empire. Her son Caesarion was killed, and her other children were taken to Rome to be raised by Octavia. Though Octavian tried to erase their memory, he granted Cleopatra's final wish and had her and Antony buried together.

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