10 Men From History Who Left Us Breathless With Their Beauty

Historical figures are often associated with images of wise elderly individuals gazing solemnly from sepia-toned photographs.

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Many of these renowned figures gained fame later in life, leading us to primarily know them for their older appearances.

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However, when photographs of their teenage or even midlife years are revealed, many can't help but be taken aback and marvel at their beauty.

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1. Johannes Brahms

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As a young man, Johannes Brahms, a German pianist in the 1800s, possessed both charm and intelligence, capturing the attention of many women. Despite his good look, he wasn’t a model or actor, but a German pianist in the 1800s.

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Known for his perfectionism in music and love for nature, Brahms often sought solace in long solitary walks through the forest. He had a tender heart for children and often delighted them with treats to bring them joy.

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He never married but his heart belonged to Clara Schumann, a fellow pianist, who was already married to another man. Brahms's unrequited love for Clara caused him much anguish.

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He wrote, “I can’t do anything other than think about you... What have you done to me? Can’t you undo the spell you have cast on me?”

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2. Charles Chaplin

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Charles Chaplin is most famous for his iconic character, the "Tramp," a heavily made-up slapstick gentleman recognized by his white face paint, bowler hat, and toothbrush mustache.

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So ingrained is the image of the Tramp that few recall Chaplin's true appearance underneath the disguise.

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Beneath the layers of makeup, however, lay a handsome man brimming with charisma. In his everyday life, Chaplin was typically clean-shaven, presenting the image of a refined British gentleman.

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As he would later be honored with the title of Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, his natural charm and elegance shone through, contrasting with the comical persona he brought to the silver screen.

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3. Rupert Brooke

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Poet Rupert Brooke was a vision of English beauty, with golden hair and blue eyes that captured the admiration of many in his time. Poet William Butler Yeats described him as the “handsomest man in England,” while John Gillespie Magee, Jr. even penned a sonnet in his honor.

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Despite his charm and allure, Brooke's life was tragically cut short at the tender age of 27. A victim of circumstance, he succumbed to an infected mosquito bite, leaving behind a legacy of romanticism and poetic brilliance that continues to inspire to this day.

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4. Ernest Hemingway

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“Ernest was recognisable on the Key West streets: a big, handsome man, usually in very casual clothes,” Mary V Dearborn writes in her Hemingway biography. “In fact, he almost always wore shorts, using a knotted rope for a belt. On his feet, he wore Indian moccasins.”

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Beyond his striking appearance, Hemingway was a multifaceted figure of the twentieth century, renowned for his achievements as a journalist, novelist, and short-story writer.

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Despite his professional success, Hemingway's personal life was marked by challenges, as he struggled to find lasting happiness in his marriages.

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His first three marriages ended in disappointment. It wasn't until his fourth marriage that he found a semblance of contentment, spending 15 years with his final wife until his passing in 1961.

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5. Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison is widely known as the inventor credited with designing the electric light bulb and the motion picture camera, playing a pivotal role in shaping the film industry.

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In the sci-fi book "Back in Time with Thomas Edison," the inventor is described as “handsome, about five foot eight, with soft, straight dark hair that was starting to turn gray.”

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In reality, Edison was indeed an attractive individual, captivating hearts with his bright eyes and stunning face in his youth.

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6. Mike Tiernan

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In the 19th century, Mike Tiernan rose to fame not just for his exceptional baseball skills but also for his remarkable looks that captured the hearts of many.

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As one of the standout hitters of his era, Tiernan left a lasting impression on the baseball world. Even in the 21st century, his photographs continue to evoke admiration and respect.

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With his charming smile and athletic build, Tiernan quickly became a beloved figure among fans, leaving an indelible mark on the sport's history.

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7. Hermann Rorschach

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Hermann Rorschach, a pioneering psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, is celebrated not only for his revolutionary contributions to the development of the Rorschach Test but also for his captivating appearance.

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With his distinguished facial features, Rorschach possessed a commanding presence that undoubtedly drew many patients to him.

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His combination of intelligence, expertise, and striking looks made him a figure of both admiration and intrigue. Interestingly, many have noted the uncanny resemblance between Rorschach and movie star Brad Pitt.

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8. Almanzo Wilder

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Almanzo Wilder is mainly known as the husband of writer Laura Ingalls, whose life inspired her to write the book “Farmer Boy”.His bright blue eyes and charming smile undoubtedly served as a “muse” for Ingalls.

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With his role as a farmer and father, Wilder exemplified the image of a romantic gentleman. After two decades of hard work, he fulfilled a dream by building a “dream house” for his wife - a gesture that resonates with romance.

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Wilder's humility was evident in his support of Ingalls, accompanying her to author events and showing unwavering dedication to her happiness.

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9. Francis Parkman

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Looking at Francis Parkman's young face, doesn't he bear a striking resemblance to Joaquin Phoenix, at least a little? Yet, unlike Phoenix, Parkman's path led him to become a historian and horticulturist, dedicated to nurturing orchards.

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Despite being born into a wealthy family, Parkman chose a modest lifestyle, and used his resources for research. Tragically, he became a widower early in life, shouldering the responsibility of raising his daughters alone.

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And, as if that wasn’t enough, he suffered a neurological illness that affected his vision and mobility. Nonetheless, fueled by his passion for his work, Parkman persevered, forging ahead in his professional endeavors.

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10. Anthony Fokker

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This aircraft builder's mere photograph can make us feel like we're soaring towards the heavens.

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At just 20 years old, he constructed his first aircraft, and as the years passed, he went on to establish his own aircraft company.

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It's no wonder that with a face like his, many young women must have dreamed of being his co-pilot.

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